The Criptogamic Herbarium: Collection of Liverworts (MA)

The Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, CSIC
Plaza de Murillo, 2.
28014 Madrid, España
Pone: +34 91 420 3017
Fax +34 91 420 0157

Dr. Francisco Pando de la Hoz
Curator of the Criptogamic Herbarium
Pone: +34 91 420 3017
Fax +34 91 420 0157

The Collection of Liverworts pertains to the Criptogamic Herbarium of the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid. The large majority of the specimens come mainly from the Iberian Peninsula.

The database of Liverworts has 3 156 samples corresponding to 195 genera and 926 species pertaining to 62 countries.

The Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid