CIBNOR Herbarium

Northwest Biological Research Center, S.C.
Mar Bermejo No. 195,
Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita
Apdo. Postal 128
23090 La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Phone: (612) 123 84 84


M. en C. Jose Juan Perez Navarro
Curator of the Herbarium
Earth Biology Division
Phone: (612) 123 84 84 ext 3706, 3509

The CIBNOR Herbarium has approximately 17 000 specimen, mainly from South Baja California and its surrounding areas, including 8 islands from the Gulf of California.

This database includes flora from coastal environments such as coastal shores and dunes, niter beds, mangrove forests, and rocky cliffs; as well as from the geographically isolated El Cabo region located in the line of the tropic which thus receives influence both from the dry tropic and the Sonorense Desert. The Sierra de la Laguna (2100 m) an important elevation in the region includes the type of vegetal communities found in the altitudinal gradient: pine-oak forest, oak forest, low deciduous jungle, sarcocaule scrub and coastal groupings.

The database, which belongs to SNIB, includes 17 946 curatorial records from 246 families, 1 325 genera and 3 966 species. .

Northwest Biological Research Center, S.C.

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