Herpetofauna of the Region El Huizache, San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Faculty of Superior Studies – Iztacala, UNAM
Biology, Technology and Prototypes Unit (UBIPRO)
Research and Graduate Division
Av. de los Barrios s/n
Col. Los Reyes Iztacala
54090 Tlalnepantla, Edo. de Mexico, Mexico.
Phone: 5623 1152
Fax 5623 1193

Dr. Aurelio Ramirez Bautista
Head of the Project
Laboratory of Ecology
Phone: 5623 1228
e-mail: raurelio@servidor.unam.mx

Database contains herpetological information from the arid zone of El Huizache region, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. This region is important because of its high number of restricted endemisms and for being an area of distribution of most of the threatened species that are concentrated at the southeastern and eastern great desert. This is a relevant area from a faunistic point of view, because it is a convergence zone between species of both neartic and neotropical origin, besides, it is a contact area of two forms of lizards (infernalis – ophiurus) of the Gerrhonotus liocephalus complex.

This database contains 1 147 specimens corresponding to 18 families, 37 genera and 59 species collected in 84 localities and it pertains to the SNIB


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