National Fish Collection of the Institute of Biology (IBUNAM)

Institute of Biology, UNAM
3er. Circuito exterior s/n, anexo al Jardin Botanico
Ciudad Universitaria, Copilco, Coyoacan
04510 Mexico, D.F., Mexico
Pone: 5622 9078
Fax 5550 0164

Biol. Hector Espinosa
Curator of the Collection
Laboratory of Ichthyology
Phone: 5622 9148

The National Fish Collection is one of the most important collections in the country. It houses almost 14 000 specimens that represents the fish diversity widespread throughout Mexican lakes, rivers, wetlands, deltas and estuaries. It also has samples from the coast and deep waters of the Ocean Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico; as well as fish species from the North and Central America.
The database includes 12 203 records pertaining to 172 families, 530 genera and 1 276 species collected in 1 356 localities.

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