Collection of Entomopathogens of Mexico (CNRCB)

The National Center of Reference of Biological Control
Dirección General de Sanidad Vegetal, SAGARPA
Km 1.5 Carretera Tecoman-Estación del FFCC
Apdo. Postal 133
28120 Tecoman, Colima, Mexico
Phone: (313) 324 0745
Fax (313) 324 2773

Ing. Marco Antonio Mellín Rosas
M. en C. Hugo Cesar Arredondo Bernal

Heads of the Project
Phone: (313) 324 0745
Fax (313) 324 2773

The purpose of the CNRCB is to promote through specific programs the use of biological controls to prevent plagues that affect the main crops. It is an important aspect for promoting the environment preservation through of economical and ecological alternative methods of plague control.

The database contains 1 989 specimens pertaining to 5 families, 20 genera and 21 species of microorganisms, and it pertains to the  SNIB.

Projects supported by Conabio
