Reference Collection of Coleopters from Mexico (IE-XAL)

Institute of Ecology, A.C. - Xalapa
Apdo. Postal 63
Km 2.5 carretera antigua a Coatepec No. 351, Congregación El Haya
91000 Xalapa, Ver.
Phone: (228) 842 18 00
Fax: (228) 818 78 09

Dr. Miguel Ángel Morón Ríos
Laboratory of Entomology
Phone: (228) 842 1842 ext 4204

The Reference Collection of Coleopters contains information on the geographic distribution of the species of Lamellicornia or Scarabaeoidea Coleoptera whose habitat is Mexico. The database, which pertains to the SNIB, contains records obtained in collections of Mexico, USA and Canada, as well as collections made particularly in the western part of the country. It has 6 330 specimens, assigned to 3 families, 124 genera, and 665 species obtained in 529 Mexican localities.

Institute of Ecology, A.C. - Xalapa

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