Collection of Siphonaptera of the Museum of Zoology "Alfonso L. Herrera", Mexico (MZFC, UNAM)

The Museum of Zoology "Alfonso L. Herrera"
Science Faculty, UNAM
Apdo. Postal 70-399
04510 Mexico, D.F.
Phone: 5622 4954
Fax 5622 4828

Dr. Juan Joé Morrone Lupi
Collection of Siphonaptera
Tel. 5622 4832

The Siphonaptera Collection contains information on five families pertaining to Ceratophyllidae, Hystrichopsyllidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Pulicidae and Rhapalopsyllidae of Mexico. The database includes 5 277 specimens corresponding to 6 families, 45 genera and 108 species, and pertains to the SNIB.

The Museum of Zoology "Alfonso L. Herrera"

Projects supported by Conabio:
